The Generosity Paradox: Why Corporate Giving Can Be Perilous

Like nearly every person who took a college economics class, I grew up in the Milton Friedman school of corporate thinking: A business should serve its shareholders … and that’s it. There wasn’t much room for environmental activism, community outreach, or charitable generosity. Friedman Obviously, times have changed. Business is more than making money. HOWContinueContinue reading “The Generosity Paradox: Why Corporate Giving Can Be Perilous”

How are you dealing with time-space compression?

I came across this graph that seems to capture a feeling in our world today: The theory here is that however we perceive the rate of change today, it will be double that next year, and the perceived rate of change will be 32 times where we are today five years from now. Is thisContinueContinue reading “How are you dealing with time-space compression?”

Striven’s Stellar Showcase: Dominating Fall 2023 ERP Awards on G2

We are ecstatic to announce that Striven has once again proven itself as a leading force in the ERP landscape, this time in the Fall 2023 ERP Awards on, a leading provider of business software reviews. This is a testament not just to our innovative technology, but to our dedicated team and the unwaveringContinueContinue reading “Striven’s Stellar Showcase: Dominating Fall 2023 ERP Awards on G2”

5 Biggest Marketing Mistakes Small Businesses Make and How to Avoid Them

“The art of marketing is the art of brand building.” —Philip Kotler If you look outside your window or take a stroll around the neighborhood, chances are you’re going to see at least one corporate billboard or any other advertisement piece. If you’re running some errands or just lying down on the couch watching TV,ContinueContinue reading “5 Biggest Marketing Mistakes Small Businesses Make and How to Avoid Them”

Wartime CEO: Part 1 — Running a War Room

COMMUNICATIONSWartime CEO: Running a War Room (1 of 2)If your company faces an existential threat, read this.Photo by Benjamin Faust (Unsplash)All bets are off.That lead investor just pulled out.Your cost of acquisition just doubled.Your biggest customers are leaving.You stare at the spreadsheet. Nothing adds up. Without swift action your runway will shrink until a crash is imminent.What do you do whenContinueContinue reading “Wartime CEO: Part 1 — Running a War Room”

5 Reasons Why Salespeople Make the Best Business Leaders

Salespeople shine as outstanding wartime CEOs in times of crisis, keeping calm in the face of chaos and immediately putting solutions into action. Warren Buffett, Ginni Rometty and Howard Schultz share a common background — they all worked as salespeople before becoming CEOs of Berkshire Hathaway, IBM and Starbucks, respectively. Buffett worked as an investment salesman, Rometty got hisContinueContinue reading “5 Reasons Why Salespeople Make the Best Business Leaders”

Want a Company That Lasts Forever? This Simple Business Strategy is the Secret to Longevity

A company built to last won’t look at mistakes as breaking points — when something isn’t working, its an opportunity to pivot. I founded my commercial real estate firm over 40 years ago and have seen tremendous disruption in my time leading it. While the coronavirus pandemic was in many ways unprecedented, our response was theContinueContinue reading “Want a Company That Lasts Forever? This Simple Business Strategy is the Secret to Longevity”

How to Retain Great Employees: Five Tips for Small Business Owners

Are you a small business owner trying to understand how to retain great employees? Well, it’s not a secret that bad employees may harm a company’s growth, while great workers often drive exceptional results and help businesses thrive. Despite this fact being obvious, many business owners still face the same challenge of retaining and motivatingContinueContinue reading “How to Retain Great Employees: Five Tips for Small Business Owners”

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