How much do chefs make? A 2024 guide

A great chef can make or break a restaurant. Sure, you want good service and a delightful ambiance, but ultimately? People are there for the food. And while your head chef is ultimately responsible for making sure that food is both drool and Instagram-worthy, they do a whole heckuva lot more. Prepping a menu, hiring a team of sous chefs or line cooks, managing an entire kitchen, and then, you know, the actually cooking—all jobs that lie on the shoulders of a chef. With so many duties on their plate to put food on yours, you might be wondering, how much do chefs make?

In this article, we’re looking at chef salaries in 2024 and what affects them. So whether you’re an aspiring chef, a seasoned pro, or a manager who’s in charge of hiring them, it’s time to read up.

Ready to learn more? Yes, Chef!

Can you make good money as a chef?

The short answer is, yes, chefs can make good money. Of course, everybody’s got a different idea of what ‘good money’ means, but in terms of the ability to earn an income, chefs definitely land in the ‘good’ category. According to Indeed, the pay range for a chef is from $31,432 to $95,307. What gets chefs into that top tier of earning? A couple of different things.

How do chefs make more money?

One of the great things about being a chef is that you’ve got a level of control over your income. The range of pay is so big because a lot of factors play into what earns you more money as a chef. Let’s take a look at some of the things that help can you add a few hundred bucks every week to your pay check.

Move up the line.

Chefs have to start somewhere. Even if they’ve gone to culinary school, they’re still expected to put in the time. This means many chefs start out at the bottom of the food chain (pardon the pun) as line cooks. Add a bit of experience and you’ll jump from a line cook to a sous chef, and eventually to an executive chef. The further up the line you move, the more money you make.

Go back to school.

You can learn a lot on the job, but surveys have found that hiring managers pay an average of 21% more for Culinary Arts graduates, and 20% for Pastry Arts graduates. So, heading to Culinary school can definitely go a long way to increase your earning potential as a chef.

Bonus tip: The more training and certifications you get, the higher your income can grow as a chef. There are lots of great courses with local community colleges you can take to upgrade your skills.

Niche down with special skills.

Do you love making the perfect croissant? Or maybe your specialty’s grilling a medium-rare steak. Or, perhaps you’re all about developing a secret sauce to create that one-of-a-kind flavor. These special skills can set you apart. Chefs with specialized skills can earn more the more they niche down. Whether it’s perfecting a soufflé or mastering the art of sushi, specialization pays off, and it can be a great way to make a name for yourself in the food industry.

Head to the big city.

The bigger the city, the bigger the salary. In a metropolitan area or region with a high cost of living, you’re typically going to see higher wages. Chefs in New York City or San Francisco are often going to earn more than those in smaller towns. Of course, keep in mind that it’s going to cost you more to live there, so it may not always be worth it.

One other thing to note here is that there are more opportunities to get hired at a restaurant. Bigger city; more people; more restaurants. So not only can your location can make a big difference to your paycheck, it can also help ensure you have the experience you need to land a higher paying job down the road.

Build a reputation.

There’s a reason why the chefs on Master Chef sell out their restaurants. Reputation matters in the culinary industry. That means a great reputation can help a chef make more money, since you’re actively a draw for foodies to visit wherever you’re whipping up your specialty. Of course, you don’t have to be reality TV famous to build a reputation. By showing onsistency and taking advantage of networking opportunities, your hard work can definitely speak for itself. Even working under a famous chef can build you a reputation as someone to watch.

How does the type of restaurant affect a chef’s salary?

Now that we’ve looked at some things that affect how much a chef makes, let’s look at how different types of restaurants pay differently. Fine dining establishments often pay more than casual dining or fast-food places, but that doesn’t mean you should pass up those roles. Here’s how the type of restaurant can affect your paycheck:

Fast food chains

Working as a cook at a fast food restaurant is, typically, the lowest-paying position. And okay okay—we know not many people would count this as a place to work if you’re a chef. But just because it requires less skill and fewer duties outside of specifically working on a line doesn’t mean you should count them out. The great thing about fast food chains is that you can gain experience working on food prep with others, even when you’re just starting out. It’s a good place to start if you’ve got your eye on becoming a chef.

Casual dining restaurants

With more skill needed and more responsibilities in the kitchen, a casual dining restaurant will pay in the mid-range of the salary expectations for a chef. The other bonus of a casual dining restaurant is that often the kitchen will get tipped out by the waiters, which means a higher salary for a chef.

It’s a little more responsibility and can also give you experience managing a team.

Fine dining restaurants

A fine dining restaurant is going to pay their chefs well because they know that patrons are there for the creative menu and quality of food. If you’re a chef at a fine dining restaurant, you’re going to have specific culinary skills, and the further up the chain of command you move, the more management responsibilities you’re going to have.

With more creativity, more responsibility, and more pressure comes a higher pay—for better or worse.

How much do chefs make per year?

Now that we know the ‘how’ of making more money, let’s finally get down to the nitty-gritty numbers of how much money chefs make. We’re going to break it down into specific chef types to be as specific as possible.

How much does an executive chef make?

An executive chef has a lot of plates up in the air. They’re also known as the head chef and they oversee all of the kitchen operations in a restaurant or hotel. Beyond managing staff and menus, executive chefs usually have their eye on opening their own restaurant.

Main responsibilities of an executive chef:

  • Menu planning: Design and update the menu, making sure it goes above and beyond quality and customer expectations.
  • Kitchen management: Supervise the kitchen staff, schedule shifts, and maintain a well-organized kitchen.
  • Food prep: Make sure all dishes are prepared properly and are consistent in taste and presentation.
  • Inventory: Manage the inventory of the kitchen, order supplies, and keep the kitchen well-stocked with fresh ingredients.
  • Budget: Control food costs, managing the budget to maximize profits.
  • Training the team: Hire, train, and mentor kitchen staff to develop new talent and keep the food consistent.
  • Quality control: Make sure food safety and sanitation standards are met.

To be an executive chef you need the culinary know-how and ability to manage mayhem in the kitchen. It’s no easy feat.

Salary: According to, executive chefs earn on average $79,796, with top salaries reaching $112,000 or more.

How much do sous chefs make?

A sous chef is the second in command in a kitchen. They’re in charge of keeping the kitchen in check and up to the standards of the head chef. Communication is going to be one of their greatest strengths.

Main responsibilities of a sous chef:

  • Assist the executive chef: Support the executive chef in everything they need for kitchen management.
  • Supervise staff: Oversee line cooks and kitchen staff to keep the kitchen flowing.
  • Quality control: Maintain high standards for food preparation and presentation in line with the executive chef’s expectations.
  • Manage inventory: Assist with ordering and inventory control.
  • Training: Train and mentor junior kitchen staff.
  • Handle issues: Problem-solve kitchen or patron issues with the food that heads out onto the floor.

Sous chefs are in a kitchen to reinforce all the protocols that are established and are on their way to becoming head chefs. They’re the messengers and enforcers of what the executive chef wants.

Salary: According to, sous chefs make $61,780 on average, and top out at around $80,000 in salary.

How much do pastry chefs make?

A pastry chef, also known as a pâtissier, specializes in creating desserts and baked goods. They’ll either have specifically studied pastry cheffing at culinary school or will have apprenticed under another pastry chef to learn the skills they need.

Main responsibilities of a pastry chef:

  • Bake and create pastries: Prepare a variety of pastries, desserts, cakes, and breads.
  • Develop a menu: Design and update the pastry dessert menu.
  • Quality control: Keep consistency with high-quality baked goods.
  • Manage ingredient inventory: Order and manage inventory of baking ingredients.
  • Decorating: Decorate pastries and cakes to create beautiful dessert presentations.
  • Train staff: Teach and mentor junior pastry chefs and bakers.

The special skills needed to make delicious pastries and desserts is usually in high demand from high-end restaurants. Who doesn’t love a yummy dessert?

Salary: According to, pastry chefs make $46,015 on average, topping out at around $60,000.

How much do private chefs make?

A private chef creates menus and cooks meals exclusively for an individual or family. They cater to the specific dietary needs and preferences of a person or family and offer the convenience of not having to cook your own meals. Bonus!

Main responsibilities of a private chef:

  • Customized meal planning: Create personalized menus based on their clients’ tastes and dietary requests.
  • Grocery shop: Select and purchase high-quality ingredients for their weekly menu.
  • Meal prep: Cook meals at the client’s home or another designated location.
  • Present and Serve: Present and sometimes serve meals to clients. 
  • Organize and store meals: Organize and store meals in the fridge or freezer, since not every private chef client will want meals plated.
  • Kitchen maintenance: Clean and organize after meal prep.

Private chefs really step it up a notch for their clients by bringing the restaurant to their home. This can mean building a menu out for special events or providing regular weekly meals for busy clients.

Salary: According to, private chefs have a wide range for their salary. The average salary for a private chef is $94,394, with the top of the range being $165,000. This makes total sense because the big bonus of being a private chef is that you can set your own salary and take on as many clients as you want. 

How much do hibachi chefs make?

A hibachi chef, also known as a teppanyaki chef, specializes in cooking and entertaining guests at a Japanese-style hibachi grill. These chefs prepare really specific types of meals right in front of the patrons, so they need an extra flare to their cheffing.

Main responsibilities of a hibachi chef:

  • Cook: Prepare meals on a hot grill in front of guests, typically including meats, vegetables, and rice.
  • Entertain: Perform cooking tricks and interact with the patrons to create an entertaining dining experience.
  • Food prep: Get all ingredients ready and make sure they’re fresh for each performance.
  • Quality control: Maintain high standards for food quality and presentation.
  • Safety and cleanliness: Stick to food safety regulations and keep the cooking area clean and organized. This is especially important when you don’t have the sanitation standards of being in a closed kitchen.

Salary: According to, hibachi chefs make $63,994 on average and can make up to $95,000 per year.

How much do sushi chefs make?

A sushi chef, also known as an itamae, works specifically with Japanese sushi dishes. The biggest skill a sushi chef needs is being able to properly filet raw fish.

Main responsibilities of a sushi chef:

  1. Sushi prep: Create different types of sushi, including nigiri, sashimi, and maki rolls.
  2. Handle fish: Select, fillet, and prepare fish and other seafood to keep freshness and quality.
  3. Rice preparation: Cook and season sushi rice.
  4. Presentation: Arrange sushi on plates with decorative garnishes to make a beautiful presentation.
  5. Manage ingredients: Order and manage inventory of fresh ingredients, particularly seafood.

Being a sushi chef isn’t as easy as it looks. Anyone who’s tried to make sushi from scratch at home knows the pain of rice that just won’t stick. Sushi chefs combine the art of cooking with the art of presentation.

Salary: According to, the average annual salary for a sushi chef is $84,631 with the highest reported salaries in the $120,000 range.

Don’t undervalue the skills of a chef

Whether you want to be a kitchen team member or you’re looking to add a chef to your payroll, it’s good to know how much money chefs make. Taking into account everything we’ve shared in this article, you can see there’s more than meets the eye—or the stomach—when it comes to being a well-paid chef. From location, to skills, to establishment, to education, all of these things can affect how much a chef makes.

If you’re a manager looking to make sure you’re bringing on the best chefs at competitive salaries that ensure you get the right people for the job, you’ll want to make sure they love working with you right from the start. Homebase is a great resource to ensure a smooth onboarding process and keep track of team performance with specialized HR tools, so when it comes time to promote someone from sous chef to that next level, you’ll have everything they need. Bon appetit!

The post How much do chefs make? A 2024 guide appeared first on Homebase.


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