Beyond Beige: Elevate Your Commercial Building with Strategic Color Choices

Olga Thelavart @olga_o

Colors do more than look pretty. They can change how you feel and think. In a business building, the right colors can make customers happier and workers do better. While beige and other neutral tones have been popular for a long time because they’re safe and easy to match, a whole world of color can breathe new life into a building.

This article will help you learn how to use colors to your advantage. Whether you’re building a new home or planning a renovation, rethinking your color palette can lead to significant benefits. 

So, let’s dive into how you can use colors creatively to make your commercial building stand out and resonate with your audience.

The Psychology of Color in Commercial Design

Colors can stir emotions and influence how you think. For instance, blue is often calming and can help people feel more at ease. On the other hand, red might increase energy levels but can also make you feel rushed or stressed.

In a business setting, your colors can affect employees and customers. Green, known for its calming effects, might help clients relax in a spa. In contrast, a fast-food restaurant might use reds and yellows, which are known to grab attention and even stimulate hunger.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Colors

Several important factors must be considered when choosing colors for your commercial building. These factors help ensure that your color choices enhance the building’s design and function well in its location.

The architectural style of the building is a significant factor. Different architectural styles often look best with specific colors. For example, a modern building might look great with bold, clean colors, while a traditional building might suit softer, classic shades.

The surrounding environment and landscape also play a role. Consider the shades of nearby buildings and the natural landscape. Choosing hues that complement these elements can make your building blend beautifully or stand out well, depending on your goal.

Finally, brand colors and corporate identity are crucial, too. If your building is for a specific business, use the shades that match or complement the brand. This helps reinforce the brand’s identity and makes the building instantly recognizable to those familiar with the brand.

Implementing Color Strategically

Implementing color in your commercial building isn’t just about picking lovely shades; it’s about using colors wisely to enhance different areas of your building. Whether you’re painting the exterior, the roof, or the interiors, each zone can benefit from a specific color approach.

A helpful tool in this process is the Butler building colors chart. This chart offers various vibrant colors suitable for a professional setting. It categorizes them based on different building zones and materials, making it easier for you to make informed choices.

For instance, the chart includes cool blues and greens if you’re considering colors for the MR-24 roof. Similarly, several shades of whites and grays are available for roofs like VSRII. These colors can give your building a modern and sleek look. 

Using this chart, you can confidently decide which colors best suit each part of your building, ensuring that every area is functional and visually appealing. This way, your building will look better and feel suitable for everyone inside.

Color Trends in Commercial Architecture

Color trends in commercial architecture are constantly changing, giving businesses new ways to stand out and appeal to customers. Recently, we’ve seen a shift towards shades that look good and improve the well-being of visitors. 

For instance, soothing blues and vibrant greens are popular because they create a calm and inviting environment. These trends often start in the fashion and technology industries and gradually enter architecture.

Looking ahead, you can expect to see more personalized and adaptive color schemes. This means buildings might use colors that can change depending on the time of day or the event. The idea is to make spaces more flexible and responsive to the needs of the people using them.

To keep up with these trends while ensuring your building always looks timeless, stick with classic base colors and use trendy ones as accents. This way, you can easily update the look without a complete overhaul. Regularly checking design websites, attending architecture conferences, and following leading designers on social media can help you stay in the loop with the latest trends. 

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right colors for your commercial building is a powerful way to make it more appealing and memorable. Moving beyond basic beige and experimenting with different shades opens up new possibilities for your space. Remember, the best color for your building is the one that reflects its unique character and purpose.


Published by Veterans Support Syndicate

Veterans Support Syndicate works together with our allies, collaborators, partners and supporters, in improving the quality of life of U.S. military Service members and veterans nationwide, via our animal & mental health campaigns, extended homeless outreach initiatives, general advocacy of military & veteran causes and our veteran-owned business services.

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